- Jankov, I., S. Gregory, S. Ravela, Z. Toth, and M. Peña, “Partition of forecast error into positional and structural components“, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 38, no. 6: Science Press, pp. 1012–1019, 2021.
- Feng, J., J. Zhang, Z. Toth, M. Peña, and S. Ravela, “A New Measure of Ensemble Central Tendency,” Weather and Forecasting, vol. 35, pp. 879–889, 2020.
- Ravela, S., “Tractable Non-Gaussian Representations in Dynamic Data Driven Coherent Fluid Mapping,” Handbook of Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems: Springer, Cham, pp. 29–46, 2018.
- Ravela, S.., “Dynamic Data Driven Deep Learning“, DDDAS 17, Cambridge, MA, 08/2017.
- Ravela, S., “Dynamically Deformable Resampled Random Manifolds for High-dimensional, Nonlinear Inference in Geoscience in the presence of Uncertainty“, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2016.
- Ravela, S.., “A Non-Parametric Framework for Inference Using Dynamically Deformed and Targeted Manifolds“, SIAM AN 16, 07/2016.
- Ravela, S., “Statistical Inference for Coherent Fluids“, Dynamic Data-Driven Environmental Systems Science: Springer International Publishing, pp. 121–133, 2015.
- Ravela, S., “Dynamic Data-driven Deformable Reduced Models for Coherent Fluids“, Procedia Computer Science, vol. 51, pp. 2464 – 2473, 2015.
- Duyck, J., C. Finn, A. Hutcheon, P. Vera, J. Salas, and S. Ravela, “Sloop: A pattern retrieval engine for individual animal identification“, Pattern Recognition, vol. 48, no. 4: Elsevier, pp. 1059–1073, 2015.
- Ravela, S., Generating a forecast by field coalescence, , 2015.
- Ravela, S., “Spatial inference for coherent geophysical fluids by appearance and geometry“, Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2014 IEEE Winter Conference on: IEEE, pp. 925–932, 2014.
- S. Ravela, “Cooperative Autonomous Observation of Coherent Atmospheric Structures using Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems,” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts, A23B-3230, San Fransisco, December 2014
- S. Ravela, C. Yang, T. Langlois, W. Dupree and M. Wolfson Method and Apparatus for Generating a Forecast ImageUS Patent 8625840, Jan 2014 (Feb 2012, prov. Feb 2011)
- S. Ravela The Field Alignment System and Testbed (FAST v3.0), DTC Technical Report, 2013
- S. Ravela, I. Sleder and J. Salas Mapping Coherent Atmospheric Structures with Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Proc. Infotech@Aerospace, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control and Co-located Conference, 2013
- S. Ravela Quantifying Uncertainty for Coherent Structures, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 9, 2012, pp. 1187-1196
- C. J. Seto and S. Ravela, Differential Image Analysis to Extract Subsurface Flow Dynamics From High Resolution Surface Deformation Measurements, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, June, 2010
- C. J. Seto and S. Ravela, Integration of Surface Deformation and Pattern Recognition for Monitoring Basin-Scale CO2 Sequestration, Gordon Conference on Flow and Transport in Permeable Media,, July, 2010
- C. Yang and S. Ravela, Deformation Invariant Image Matching by Spectral Control of Viscous Alignment, Proc. ICCV, pp. 1303-1310, 2009, Kyoto, Japan.
- Sai Ravela, Chris Yang, John William and Kerry Emanuel, An Objective Framework for Assimilating Coherent Structures, WMO Symposium on Nowcasting, 2009.
- S. Ravela, J. Williams and K. Emanuel, “The Joint Position-Amplitude Formulation for Hurricane State Estimation,” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, A41G-0193, 2008
- J. Williams WRF-Var implementation for data assimilation experimentation at MIT SM Thesis, MIT, 2008.
- S. Ravela, Two Extensions of Data Assimilation by Field Alignment, Proc. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 07), LNCS vol 4487, part 1, pp. 1147-1154, 2007.
- S. Ravela, K. Emanuel and D. McLaughlin, Data Assimilation by Field Alignment, Physica D, 230(1):127-145, 2007 (Available online, Nov. 2006)
- S. Ravela Amplitude-Position formulation of Data Assimilation, Workshop on Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems, May 2006, Reading UK
- S. Ravela and V. Chatdarong, “Rainfall Advection Using Velocimetry by Multiresolution Viscous Alignment,” ArXiv, physics/0604158, April 2006
- S. Ravela and V. Chatdarong, “How do we account for position errors in forecasts and observations in mesoscale data-assimilation?”, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, EGU06-A-09557, Vienna, April 2006
- S. Ravela, K. Emanuel and D. McLaughlin, Multivariate Field Alignment for Data Assimilation, Second International Congress of the European Geosciences Union, 2004.
- S. Ravela, K. Emanuel and D. McLaughlin, Data Assimilation by Field Alignment for Coherent Structures, 26th Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology Conference, Miami, FL, 3 7 May 2004.
- S. Ravela, K. Emanuel and D. McLaughlin, Data Assimilation by Field Alignment, Roger F. Daley Memorial Symposium, 28 Sept – 1 Oct, 2003, Montreal, Canada.
- W. G. Lawson, S. Ravela, J. Hansen, K. Emanuel, and D. McLaughlin, “Data-Assimilation of Coherent Features: Accounting for Non-linearity from Displacement Errors,” Ensemble Forecasting Workshop, Val-Morin, Canada, September 2003
- S. Ravela, W. G. Lawson, J. Hansen, K. Emanuel, and D. McLaughlin, “On Phase-based Data-Assimilation,” General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Sapporo, Japan, June 2003